Activities, services
Knowledge transfer at the university is transferring knowledge and technology from public funded institutions to businesses in order to ensure the development and commercialization of research results. This way scientific and technological developments can reach the general public.
The Technology Transfer Center (TTO) at the University of Debrecen is responsible for the marketing and commercialization of research results and performing all related activities. TTO provides a wide-range of services for the administration, researchers, students and partners of the university.
Our high priority activities include
- Marketing of R&D activities at the university
- Building and maintaining collaboration with research, industrial and business partners
- Providing information on intellectual property protection and the IP policy of the university
- Licensing available technologies and supporting other commercialization methods
- Preparation of legal agreements
- Raising innovation awareness
- Supporting the development of local economy.
The main purpose of the TTO is to increase the efficacy of knowledge transfer at the university, to strengthen the connection between academy and industry, and to expand the innovation activity in the university environment. Therefore TTO is responsible for the following activities
- Managing intellectual property at the university in accordance with the provisions stated in the regulation called ‘Guidelines and rules of research agreements, intellectual property handling and technology transfer activities’;
- Evaluation and registry of agreements and other legal disclaimers related to university research results and intellectual property;
- Ensuring the commercialization of university research results;
- Maintaining the university knowledge map and innovation portfolio
- Building R+D+I cooperation with businesses;
- Supporting the foundation and operation of spin-off and start-up companies;
- Advising on intellectual property protection matters and operation of the university PATLIB Center;
- Organizing courses, trainings and other events related to R+D+I
- Joining to activities of national and international knowledge transfer institutions and attending innovation events.
Updated: 2019.09.05.