24 Sep
GTK and ÁJK to cooperate with Southeast Asian universities
Faculty of Economics and Business (Gazdaságtudományi Kar - GTK) and Faculty of Law (Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar - ÁJK) of the University of Debrecen have expanded the circle of their foreign partners with Indonesian institutions of higher education. The relevant cooperation agreements signed on Monday mainly cover education and research activities.
09 Sep
The Liu brothers have changed their skates for gowns
Special guests arrived at the opening ceremony of the academic year of the University of Debrecen on Sunday: the "Wind Brothers" have fond memories of the Főnix Arena, as they have won several gold medals at the facility, but this time they did not receive a medal, but a degree. The Liu brothers, Olympic, World and European short track speed skating champions, received their degrees at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, where they were officially handed over their diplomas.
23 May
Sustainable economy for a sustainable society
The conference Sustainable Economy – Sustainable Society (Fenntartható gazdaság – fenntartható társadalom), jointly organized and hosted by the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Debrecen and the Hungarian National Bank, was kicked off with a series of plenary lectures delivered by distinguished foreign speakers and was continued with academic presentations in Hungarian and English by almost 200 participants at the Böszörményi úti campus
16 May
Debrecen Drive - on the road to the future
Electromobility and sustainability will be the central themes of the conference and professional forum organised by the University of Debrecen at this year's Debrecen Drive. The country's largest automotive event will feature more professional events than ever before, with more than 800 different vehicles, oldtimers and premium top-of-the-range cars and a spectacular night drive show in the area of the Nagyerdei Stadium for three days from 24 May.
10 May
Yellowing 2024
The graduating students of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Environmental Management and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Debrecen marched through the city on carriages and carriages on Friday, in keeping with their almost half-century-old tradition, to say goodbye to the city and the institution. At this year's Yellows Day, almost 550 students celebrated the end of their studies.
19 Apr
Critical thinking is one of the keys to a successful future
The University of Debrecen's Institute of Engineering and Business Innovation (MÜZLI) created a double event: at the Learning Center Podium, László Papp, Head of Gartner's Hungarian and Bulgarian Representation, shared his thoughts on the technological challenges of the age, while at the Alumni Party, MÜZLI's Master Teachers and Leaders discussed their experience and career changes with students.