The Innovation Ecosystem Tender at the University of Debrecen has been successfully closed

The project has implemented the exploitation and mindset-shaping activities and related developments carried out by the Innovation Ecosystem Centre and its Research Utilisation and Technology Transfer Centre, and provided the relevant employees with the relevant professional competences.

The University Innovation Fund provided the institutional budget allocated to the protection of intellectual property. We have continuously provided the legal and business framework for the commercialisation of RDI services, and supported university research teams in negotiating with industrial partners, setting pricing and other conditions. In terms of exploitation efforts, it was important to develop an IPR protection strategy tailored to the specific technology in relation to the registered RDI results, to continuously evaluate the RDI results in the market (business), to obtain industry feedback and to support the PoC phase in order to add value to early stage projects. To support innovation activities at the university, we continued the UD-IMPACT programme (Discovery and PoC project implementation management) funded by the Innovation Fund, and in the second phase we launched the Idea to Life programme and the new round of the student PoC programme funded by the University Innovation Ecosystem project, which supported 9 projects. At the end of the programmes, the participants presented their projects at a Demo Day pitch. In support of the University's mission to promote innovation mindset, training sessions were organised for university students to learn basic IPR protection, start-up entrepreneurship and business development skills. We have also continued to expand our database for the inventory of RDI capacities (DEKIR), and we have continued our IP protection activities, which include the market assessment of invention disclosures, novelty research, patent application preparation and filing, the development of IP protection strategy and the day-to-day routine tasks related to IP portfolio management. We also contribute data to the national KOOPER system and register intellectual property related to the University through the Inteum knowledge management database.

As part of the competence development, the colleagues attended a training course delivered by ASTP in order to broaden their knowledge based on the presentations and to develop connections that will create the basis for future discussions on specific cases (e.g. TTO/TTC of similar size, in similar focus area). The training sessions covered, among others, the basics of technology transfer, building a successful TTO, and negotiating techniques for TTOs and the conditions for a successful spin-off start-up. In connection with the development of the fablab and community space in the Innovation Centre at the UD Science Park, we participated in the Fablab Barcelona training, which consisted of learning about the potential of the Fablab network and identifying future joint activities. The training gave participants an insight into how Fablab as a community space can serve innovation goals and with what kind of programmes - how university students can develop their ideas, create teams, prototype, shape young people's mindsets, and how Fablab can be integrated into international networks through international R&D&I activities. In line with our future goals, we also looked at community spaces that engage the wider local population to generate innovative ideas that can be disseminated locally or internationally to promote sustainable solutions and a sustainability approach. In addition, as a longer-term goal, UD Fablab could also serve as a training space for the community as part of the FabAcademy for the Fablab network, coordinated by Fablab Barcelona. 



Frissítés dátuma: 2024.09.23.

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