Creative courses in fall semester

The Innovation Ecosystem Centre of the University of Debrecen offers exciting weekly programmes in October, which develop both problem-solving skills and creativity, and also provide an insight into the world of innovation and startup culture.

All students of the University of Debrecen can apply for the workshops, which are limited to 15 places. The programmes will take place at the Innovation Centre of the University of Debrecen, (Vezér street 37, Debrecen).


Communication training with building blocks

Do you remember when you played with building blocks as a child? Building blocks are still favourite toys for many children, but we can develop many competencies with them too. Especially those, which can be useful for future self-employees. If you are interested in how, come to our workshop at the Innovation Ecosystem Center, where in small groups, you can develop your co-working and communication skills.

6th November 4pm-6pm


4th December. 4pm-6pm




Problem definition workshop

The aim of the workshop is for students to come up with their own idea that responds to a real-world problem, which can be related to both their personal development and professional goals. The workshop will not only develop problem-solving skills, but will also give participants the opportunity to practice teamwork and collaborative thinking, while learning about the world of start-ups and the basic concepts that can be useful when starting their own business.

13th November 4pm-6pm


10th December 4pm-6pm




Try with us the world’s one of the best business board game!

You can try an interesting board game: the LEAP – The business model game is worldwide known, used by more than 30 countries, which helps you to develop your creative thinking, brainstorming and problem-solving skills. The LEAP is a professional game which contains relevant market practices and helps you to design your own innovative ideas.


11th December 4pm-6pm




Talk to the ai workshop

One of the buzzwords of our time is artificial intelligence, or AI. The phenomenon is generating fierce social debate, with some fearing it, others seeing it as an opportunity. The everyday use of AI applications and other digital platforms is well advanced, but often its place and ethical use in everyday life is still being sought. The workshop at the University of Debrecen's Innovation Ecosystem Centre will introduce participants to digital methods on how to use these platforms in businesses and projects.

27th November 4pm-6pm


12th December 4pm-6pm



Frissítés dátuma: 2024.10.15.

Tisztelt Felhasználó!


A Debreceni Egyetem kiemelt fontosságúnak tartja a rendelkezésére bocsátott, illetve birtokába jutott személyes adatok védelmét. Ezúton tájékoztatjuk Önt, hogy a Debreceni Egyetem a 2018. május 25. napjától kötelezően alkalmazandó Általános Adatvédelmi Rendelet alapján felülvizsgálta folyamatait és beépítette a GDPR előírásait az adatkezelési és adatvédelmi tevékenységébe. A felhasználók személyes adatait a Debreceni Egyetem korábban is teljes körültekintéssel kezelte, megfelelve az érvényben lévő adatkezelési szabályozásoknak. A GDPR előírásait követve frissítettük Adatvédelmi Tájékoztatónkat, amelyet az alábbi linkre kattintva olvashat el: Adatkezelési tájékoztató. DE Kancellária VIR Központ

A tájékoztatót megismertem.